Meet Our Safeguarding Team

Mr Short

Mr Short


Mrs Sweeney

Mrs Sweeney

Deputy DSL

Mrs Calder

Mrs Calder

DSL trained

Mrs Goulden

Mrs Goulden

DSL trained

Safeguarding Statement

At Bradshaw Primary School, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children is at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment where all children can thrive and achieve their full potential.

As part of our commitment:

  • We have a comprehensive Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy and procedures in place, which all staff, volunteers, and governors are expected to be familiar with and adhere to. Parents and carers are welcome to request access to this policy at any time.

  • We actively encourage and provide opportunities for children to express their views and feelings. This is facilitated through various channels including the curriculum, school council and accessible communication with all staff members, including Senior Managers. Information about external support services, such as Child Line, is also prominently displayed.

  • Regular training sessions on safeguarding and the protection of young people are provided to all staff, in line with national regulations and guidance.

  • Our recruitment procedures are robust and designed to support the safeguarding of young people, following both our Trust's recruitment policy, DBS Clearance procedure and national guidance.

  • In cases where concerns arise about a child's welfare, we collaborate closely with other agencies, ensuring that discussions with parents/carers are held first unless doing so would jeopardize the child's safety.

  • We have a dedicated Safeguarding Governor, who serves as our designated Governor with Child Protection responsibility.

If you have any concerns about a child's welfare, it is crucial to report it immediately. Please record your concerns, including any observations or conversations heard and report them to one of the designated Child Protection staff members on the same day. We emphasize the importance of not conducting your own investigation.

If your concerns pertain to the actions or behavior of a member of staff that may suggest unsuitability to work with children, please report it to the Senior Designated Person (or their deputy) for appropriate action. For concerns relating to the Headteacher, please refer the matter to the Chair of Governors.

Together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of all our children.