Weekly Message 

Dear Parents,

We have had a really busy week in school with the all the reception and Key Stage 1 performances- the children were all amazing and I am sure you are as proud of them as we are.

We also celebrated Mrs Baldwin’s time at Bradshaw, as she sadly leaves us today. She will be very much missed by staff and children alike- we wish her well for the future and I am sure she will pop in from time to time.

Next week is just as busy as we are looking forward to our church service, Christmas dinner and Singing Around the Tree, where we hope you will join us at 1:30pm for some festive fun. We would also like to express our appreciation to all who came to and helped with the Christmas Fair- a fabulous £1243 was raised by the PTA.

If we don’t see you before the holidays, on behalf of all the staff, we would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Thank you for all your continued support,

Mrs Sweeney


Reception -  Elliot

Year 1 - All of Year 1

Year 2 - All of Year 2

Year 3 - Eliza

Year 4 - Joshua

Year 5 - Isla 

Year 6 - Mylo

Congratulations to all our superstars on your well earned certificates!

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Mon 18th - The Children will be walking to the Methodist church for a Christmas service and to sing carols

Tues 19th - Christmas Dinner

Wed 20th - 1.30pm Singing around the Christmas tree

Thursday 21st December SCHOOL is CLOSED for Christmas

Please make sure that any food sent into school is nut free

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Online Safety

Healthy Lifestyles & Well Being

Did you know less than half of the children in the UK walk to school?

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Things to Remember:

Please make sure there is enough money on your child’s Parentpay account to cover their toast and school dinners.

Is the snack you are sending into school healthy? Please ensure that the children do not have crisps, chocolate bars etc for their snack. And nothing containing nuts.

Please contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.

Any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has to have a 48 hour absence after the last episode.

Attendance Matters:

There are several children arriving at school after registration time daily. This has a significant impact on our office team who are having to escort children to their classes. Learning time is also being missed. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at 8.45am

The school gate will be closed when the bell goes at 8.55am.

If for some reason your child is late, please make sure you go with them and sign them in at the office. Children can not be responsible for signing themselves in.

The school day begins at 8.55am.