Mr Short’s Weekly Message 

Dear Parents

Welcome back to our new academic year. Also a very warm welcome to our new parents with children starting in the Reception class this week. Those children have had wonderful first week - meeting their new teachers, new classmates and most excitingly their new Year 6 buddies. Their week has been so good the whole of Reception were 'Superstars' today. Our Year 6 children have also had a great week back, showing us all how sensible and responsible they can be. We are expecting wonderful things from them, and all the children across the school too.

A thank you to your for taking on board the uniform expectations that were sent out before the holidays, the children are looking very smart. This term is going to be a busy one, with trips and residentials already in the diary as well as other events - we will send out a list of dates soon so you can put them into your calendars.

We hope that you all have a great weekend and the children come back ready for another great week on Monday.

Thank you for your continued support.

C Short



Reception    -    All of Reception

Year 1        -    Ethan

Year 2        -    Jenson

Year 3        -    Charlotte

Year 4        -    Jacob K

Year 5        -    Elly

Year 6        -    Charley


Next week: 

Monday - KS2 Girls lunchtime football

Thursday - Spanish Club

Cross Country Club - Years 4-6

Online Safety

Updated: 14/02/2024 402 KB


Things to Remember:

Please make sure there is enough money on your child’s Parentpay account to cover their toast and school dinners.

Please contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.

Any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has to have a 48 hour absence after the last episode.